Place all ASX trades with a
1 second guarantee


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What you can trade

We specialise in all ASX listed securities with a 1 second placement guarantee.

ASX listed equities
You can buy and sell shares in any company on the Australian Stock Exchange via our platform.
Exchange Traded Funds
Diversify across a huge choice of market sectors at home and overseas with ETFs, a type of pooled investment like managed funds that you can buy or sell on a stock exchange – just like trading shares.

Want to know more about ETFs?

Want to make winning trades whichever way the market’s trending?

With exchange traded options (ETOs) you can potentially profit in rising and falling markets, and at a fraction of the cost of buying shares directly.

Interested in ETOs?

As with options, warrants let you buy or sell a security for a set price within a set time period. Gearing and leverage are typically high with warrants, magnifying your potential gains (and losses).
Interest rate securities
When you buy an interest rate security you’re lending money to a company or government which pays you interest, either for a set period or in perpetuity. Interest rate securities are tradable and can on-sold to other investors.
You can now invest in managed funds in the same way as shares via your Bell Direct account with mFund, an ASX service that lets you buy and sell units in managed funds as easily as shares.

Get started with mFund investing

Initial Public Offers
An IPO is the process by which a private company goes public, when its shares are listed on a stock exchange and can be traded as normal after the IPO.
Margin Lending
If you’re looking to boost your investing power and accelerate your portfolio growth you might like the sound of margin lending, a popular wealth creation strategy for many Australian investors, with the total value of margin loans at around $13.8 billion in June 2023, according to the Reserve Bank of Australia.

A margin loan works as an ongoing line of credit that lets you borrow additional investment funds by using your existing portfolio as security.

Learn more about margin lending.

Trade US Shares
You can now trade US shares with Bell Direct. And to kick things off, you’ll pay $0 brokerage on US trades for a limited time.

Trade US Shares

Experienced investors ranked Bell Direct #1 for overall satisfaction, customer service, help in identifying opportunities, stock comparison/selection tools, education materials/programmes & reporting.

As voted by investors with 10+ years’ experience in the 1H 2023 Investment Trends Online Investing Survey.

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