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Ringing the Bell: The 5 major drivers of ETF growth | ASX’s Rory Cunningham

Bell Direct
August 23, 2021
In the most recent ASX-partnered “Ringing the Bell” series, Jessica Amir talks ETF trends with Rory Cunningham, Senior Manager of Investment Products at the ASX.Since 2016, we’ve seen the ETF market quintuple to $100 billion. There are also now over 220 ETFs listed on the ASX. But what’s driving this growth? In this video, Jessica and Rory look at the 5 major drivers of ETF growth.They discuss:
  • (0:53) Younger generations increasingly using ETFs
  • (2:02) Investors using ETFs to invest in megatrends
  • (4:02) The US$1.3 trillion expected to flow into global ESG ETFs
  • (6:08) Breaking the Aussie home bias through ETF investing
  • (9:18) The rising popularity of multi-asset (fully diversified) ETFs among older investors
This interview was filmed on Friday 13th August 2021.

From the helm: Magellan's Hamish Douglass

Bell Direct
January 21, 2020